Wednesday, December 19, 2007


There have been a number of these shaped spagetti foods over the years, the most popular and well known being Alphabetti spagetti [I think thats right]. Quite a lot of the ones being made now are based on TV or films such as Scooby Doo, Teletubbies. The ones featured here 'Haunted house' first came out I think during the 1980's. The one of the left in the picture is from the 1980's, not sure the exact date, the other is from the 1990's. What I really like about them is not the shapes which were usually quite crude, but the actual artwork featured on the tins. I don't belive these are made anymore, certainly haven't seen them in quite awhile. Also in the picture is a Heinz Haunted house badge. I think I have a Haunted house Frieze too which has glow-in-the-dark removable stickers to stick on it, there may of been other promotional items over the years.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the wrappers exude real atmos... I thought the badge was a lid for a minute but that level of artistic care would be a bit too much to expect.

Strange how the same bunch of cliched elements seem to work really well on so many different products...

Mr. Karswell said...

Never seen these before, I wonder if they were even available in the US?